Monday, August 5, 2013

Yale Genetic Counselor Weighs in on Myriad Case and More: Ellen Matloff

Original post by Ayanna Monteverdi on

When Ellen Matloff heard news of the recent Supreme Court decision invalidating some of Myriad's BRCA patents, she was overcome with tears. Tears of relief.

The first genetic counselor at Yale's School of Medicine, Ellen has had a front row seat to the long saga of gene patents, particularly the BRCA patents of Myriad Genetics. In today's interview Ellen recalls the days when the BRCA genes were first made known and explains the huge benefits the gene tests provided to her patients.

Then Myriad cracked down on their patents in a way Ellen calls "unprecedented" and "surreal."

Getting snubbed at every turn by Myriad--and then by her own peers for taking a position against gene patents has made this journey very personal for Ellen. Today she tells her view of gene patent history and gives her take on the burgeoning world of clinical genomics.

Click here to listen to the interview with Ellen Matloff